A Sunday in mid-May, the Sunday of Mayfest, is the day of Miss Shelly's dance recital at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. All. Day. Long. Three separate recitals--1:30, 5 and 8. It wasn't that long ago when Rebekah and Leah were both dancing, and both were in multiple dances--five or six dances--in each of the recitals. We would get the girls there around 8 in the morning and get a room at the hotel next to the PAC. We would be at all three performances, taking short breaks in the hotel in between. Ah, those were the days.
Today I only went to the 5 o'clock show. Rebekah was there, but in the audience next to me with Lex. Leah was in five dances, but her main responsibility is now as a full time teacher with Miss Shelly. So I was there to not only see her dance, but to see her kiddos dance as well. And dance they did. (There is Leah off to the left in the wings directing one of her classes in their dance.)
Leah danced in the opening number on very short notice--she had one week to learn the routine, which, of course, she did. She is so good...
For many of those 23 years we not only cheered on Rebekah and Leah, but our "other" daughters as well--the Randolph girls. Jennifer is Rebekah's age and is now a teacher with Miss Shelly. Melanie is graduating next week from Savanah College of Art and Design. Christine just finished her sophomore year in college in NYC. So that leaves Lara as our last other daughter dancing. All of the Randolph girls are great dancers, just like Rebekah and Leah. But Lara--well, she is something special. I am no dance expert, but this is as close to perfect as you can get. (Lara has the white tights in the front. She has absolutely perfect poise and posture here.)
Leah danced in two jazz numbers and a modern dance number.
Afterward we visited with Leah, Jennifer, Miss Shelly and some of the other teachers at this great school. Am I proud of Leah? You bet. Will I be there for my 24th dance recital next May? You can count on it.
Oh, Leah was also happy that her friend Ty came. I think this was his fourth recital. He has a long way to go to catch up.
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