Monday, May 12, 2008

Do we really need more books?

A very humbling shopping trip today. Stopped by the Mardel in south Oklahoma City and spent some time browsing through their bargain book shelves.

(For a review of the really poor customer service I received at this--and other--Mardel store, see post below.)

There were hundreds of titles, mostly all spine-out, on half a dozen shelving units, both fiction and non-fiction. Each book had a colored sticker on it to designate what percentage off of the already discounted price you would get should you choose to buy one of these misfit books. Were these old stock books that had been in a warehouse for years, if not decades? Hardly. Many were published in 2007--I know, because I was the acquisitions editor for some. Or the writer.

It is always an, um, experience to see a book you wrote on the bargain shelf. With a 90% off sticker. I think the store was actually paying customers to take one of my books off their hands.

(At my local Borders store here in Tulsa, Scott--the general manager--likes to stock books from local authors. He has had my books on endcaps or prominent table displays. Right now, The Gospel According To Dan Brown is on a shelf just inside the store. Hardcover. Marked down to three bucks. Next to those collections of Edgar Poe poems that are priced four bucks. At least I am in good company.)

As I looked over these titles--many of them written by very notable and good authors--I had to ask myself, Do we really need to publish any more books? It is a question that I face every time I see stacks of discounted books.

Of course we do need more books. Just not as many as I or anyone in publishing would think.

Need a copy of Cracking Da Vinci's Code/Youth Edition? I know where you can get one ... cheap.

1 comment:

We Misfits said...

Hey! Joe Posnanski, perhaps the best writer in the world right now, beat me to it. He has a Ginger/Mary Ann poll going on right now. And read his piece on the best Italian meal ever. Warning: Don't be eating or drinking while you read, or you may just see it again. He really is that funny.

(I voted for Mary Ann...)